Morphogenetic center - Thomas Steinmann
Crystallization technique
Water with certain chemicals added will form crystals when evaporating.
To put it exactly: forces inherent in water will form a natural crystallisation when drying according to their specific patterns.
Ideally the solution will form a round crystallisation.
This ideal will but rarely be attained. In most cases some piece or more will be missing. Often there wont be even an unmistakable crystallisation but just a large unstructured „amorphous“ mass. And, in case the ideal condition is reached – what does it mean ?
I found a basis for interpretations with the dome structure, discovered by Dr. G.Graefe und Dr. M. Felsenreich and known to me for some years.
Dr. Graefe und Dr. Felsenreich found out a structure of 16 segments and each segments special task and resonance to certain elements. This discovery lead amongst other things to enhancing the production of compost material of special qualities.
This helped me to find a reference point in regard to the crystallisation. I got an access.
In order to get exact results from crystallizations we needed to standardize the method of crystallization. This standardization is related to the special mixtures and the times of rest. Thus we were able to apply the dome structure to the pictures which you will find in this brochure. In our research we are currently researching and using several unrelated diagrams. At this time we do not plan a publication.  
I’d like to show you a rough analysis.  
The example I’d like to use is interesting in more than one respect as you will see.
The Danube, Austrias main and largest river is almost all the way compartmentalized by dams.
There is one dam near Greifenstein to the north of Vienna which I selected.
The samples were taken from the old arm of the river – where the Danube formerly flowed – 700 meters below the dam and 700 meters upriver.
Why? Upriver the water is nearly stagnant – I did explain how necessary movement is for the vitality of the water.
Below the dam the water is just emerging from the turbines, its got more movement, ist swinging. The old arm is being fed just by the damming the water table and the height difference between the dammed areas. There is no other influx, there is however a draining off by way of a little weir into the Danube.
On the Danube we find a lively boat traffic, in the old arm motorboats are not allowed, there is just a little ferry.

The interpretation is done as follows:

I am choosing the best formed crystal for detailed interpretation the faults of the other ones are showing the limitations.
Picture 5:

Round, good structures, wedge on top, a hole closer to the center, winglike sgtructures. Relatively speaking this is the best formed crystal, because it is damaged too. If there is not a single optimal crystal the damage in the water is really serious.
Lets have a lok at the other pictures: again and again parts are missing.
Picture 1: missing edges segments 15–1, 11–12. Weaknesses: 15–5, 10–14.  
Picture 2: The whole edge 5–9 is missing, edge 1–4. Center 12–3. Weaknesses: 10–14
Picture 3: edge strongly faulted 9–11, less 14–1, 9–11, center 11–14. Weaknesses: edge 3–4, center 5–8, 11–13, 13–14.
Picture 4: edge 13–3. Weaknesses: 3–9, 9–11, 11–13.
Picture 6: 3-9. Weaknesses: whole edge as far as it exists.
Picture 7: 5–10. Weaknesses: edge 1–4.
Overlapping: 5–9 major faults/radiation, Time, lack, Sound; additionally 15./ Light-sound. Also to be taken into account the wedge in picture 5 in segment 1/ light.
Let’s have a look at the situation below the dam, after the turbines in the region of movement:

More stability, the picture is less disrupted, the second crystal is closed even. Still there are many faults.

It is significant that the major faults are the same as in the old arm.
Also significant the stronger wedge in the first segment of picture 5.
This wedge does also reach into the center.
Here in the mainstream of the Danube we do find an interesting fault form, the „octopus“ in picture 7.
Now we get back to the dammed area above the dam.
Logically this should be the worst region, because the movement here is minimal:

Partly we do find confirmation, but partly not.
There are massive faults und weaknesses at the edges, especially with the light segment in picture 1, 5 and 6, as well as in the radiation segment of pictures 2,7.

But the most interesting point is the break in segment 1 in picture 5. An axlike wedge deep into the heart. Again the form of „octopus“ in picture 2.
Without going into details the interpretation summarily is as follows:
A water body that has’nt got energy left to assimilate light and oxygen. It does lack the energy for an independent regeneration. Additionally burdened by a great deal of radiation and toxic overload, the water could deal with that would it be able to assimilate more energy provided by light.
Additionally, the water is glad about the movement after the dam, but going through the turbines it does suffer some damages.
These are things we all know but here it is shown perfectly clear: Regulation of rivers and damming provide us with electricity, but the water is dying.
All this is but taken for granted, but here it is being made visible.